We had a great Thanksgiving here. My youngest brother and sister and her boyfriend came to visit us. This was our first time to have family here for a holiday --ever. John lives in NYC now and Megan and Evan came up from Charlottesville, VA. John is 14 yrs younger than I, and Megan is almost 20 yrs younger.
The rest of the family (mostly) spent Thanksgiving together in Texas at Sally's.
Megan and Evan drove to NYC to pick up John and then drove here. What should have been a 6 hour drive from Charlottesville to NYC took them 12 hours and then they still had to drive here-another 5+hours. They got in at 5AM Thursday morning. Talk about holiday traffic!
For several people in our family, Thanksgiving is all about the pie. We had 7 pies for 8 people.
2 pumpkin
2 cherry/raspberry
3 apple
We didn't manage to eat all of that, but the turkey is all gone.Pie making
John brought with him the game, Khet. It is a laser chess game that was quite the hit of the party.
I felt like my mother who was always mixing up the boys' names. "Tom, Sam, John, whoever."
I kept mixing up John and Noah's names and Megan and Annabel's. It nearly drove me crazy.
Thanksgiving dinner
On Friday we headed out to see some of the local sites. Noah stayed home to play Xbox. He's 13, and not really interested in spending much time with the rest of us these days.
Pictures from Charlotte Pier on Lake Ontario.
These guys got to experience crazy Rochester weather. It started sleeting sideways on us as we headed back to shore, and the waves were spraying over the pier. Fun, cold and crazy.
John and Annabel spent most of their time pickin' at each other.
Megan and Evan
3 siblings
John and the Kodak smoke stacks.
We played Ticket to Ride and Bea and I won both games! Woohoo!
More Khet. Noah loved this game.
Everyone usually thinks Noah looks like Darren, but I have always said he looks like John. What do you think?
Who does Noah look like?
We loved having family here to celebrate the holiday with and also getting to know Evan better.
And, Darren got the Christmas lights up.