Cheesecake Factory
We had 4 adults and 12 kids. We figured if we went at 3:30 we could get in and we did without any waiting.
What a bargain! One of the highlights of our summer!
Joanna has even more pics.
Let's get'em out alive!
Annabel has felt very deprived because Noah and the scouts go camping so often. She thinks it is sexist and unfair and says she is done with Faith in God activities because they never do anything fun and adventurous. So while Noah was away at Scout camp this week, Darren took the girls to Letchworth (the grand canyon of the east or so they say)for the weekend.
Noah has returned from his week of camp. Darren is convinced there is something different about him.
Noah has nothing but good things to say about camp. They had lots of rain, but you can't keep a good boy down with a little water. More pics will be posted soon on Troop 483. Noah took a camera as well and as soon as they get developed, I will post them here.
Thanks to Kelly for sharing his great pictures with me.
Noah has left for his first Scout Camp. He will be spending a week in the Adirondacks. We are all excited to see him off, each with a different reason. Check our Troup 483 for more pics.
This year we had several friends participate in the Hill Cumorah Pageant. The kids could hardly wait to get there and see our friends. Annabel and Bea are dieing to be in pageant next year, but Darren and I have told them that will never happen. When they turn 18 they can go on their own.Bea asks almost every day, "When will Cameron be back?" Suzy's costume was so glamorous.
Blaine had only good things to say about his pageant experience.
The Christensens came from Utah to experience exciting Rochester weather. They actually had a great behind the scenes blog about pageant.
Winnie and I went to our first big dog meetup. I was especially excited because Mark German, the Arizona dog whisperer, was coming to speak to the group.
Winnie wasn't quite as happy to be there.Most of the dogs couldn't get enough of playtime.
Winnie was happy to hide behind my chair.
Watching the other dogs go racing past.
Not playing.
Definitely not interested in meeting this one.
She was happy to meet people, just not any dogs. It looks like we have a socially backwards dog.
Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.
Our favorite 5 year old celebrated her birthday at our house this week. She asked for chinese noodles and a party at the Pulley's--she got both.
These are the new glasses that Noah pick out himself. I'm so proud my boy has a sense of style. It must be innate, because he wasn't aware it existed.
Our good friends surprised us with this great fire pit and a basket full of the makings of s'mores. As can be seen by the following pictures, we have already put it to good use.