The Returning Scouts
Noah has returned from his week of camp. Darren is convinced there is something different about him.
Noah has nothing but good things to say about camp. They had lots of rain, but you can't keep a good boy down with a little water. More pics will be posted soon on Troop 483. Noah took a camera as well and as soon as they get developed, I will post them here.
Thanks to Kelly for sharing his great pictures with me.
Noah looks so happy! Boyscouts is such a great organization. I always wanted to be a boyscout.
these may be the only pictures I get of scout camp. It really sounded like they had a blast.
Great pictures of these boys. They look like they had fun. Welcome back, Noah!
I'm so impressed that you got pictures out of Noah. I have yet to see any from Kent. Looks like they had a great time.
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