Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Party

So last week I realized the Superbowl was coming and Noah was quite excited to see it. I asked Darren what did he want to eat that night and he said, "Aren't we going to the Tuttle's? So I casually call Anna and coerce her to host another Superbowl party. She did it last year, so of course we will assume it is an annual event. Thanks for being a good sport, Anna. We had a great time.
Bea came to play with Roxy.
Noah and Christian were ready to cheer on the Cardinals, as were we all, but the Sheltons and Lue.
These pictures don't show our excitement, they must have been taken during the 1st quarter.
By the time the game got exciting, I had put away the camera.
Thanks for another great party. Same time, same place next year?!


Anna February 3, 2009 at 6:22 PM  

I'm glad you talked me into it - was happy to do it. Thank goodness for the 4th quarter. The rest I could have lived without.